Dear family!
You are reading this letter from the future member of your family. I don't know you and you don't know me. When you finish reading this letter you'll know something about me. My name is Nina. I'm 18 and I'm a student. I study in the Institute of Cinema and Television. After finishing this institute I'll be a sound-producer. As you know I live in the beatutiful city - St.-Petersburg. I'm very happy that I live in this town and at this time - time when one era changes another. My family is little, but very friendly. I live with my mother. I have nobody besides her. My mother is a nurse, she has worked all her life in the child hospital. I have been to my mother's work watched the children, helped my mother in her hard work. Now my mother workes with just-born. My mother often left me alone at home, became sometimes she worked 24 hours a day. Staying alone at home I wash the dishes and clothing, clean the room, and prepare some food for my mother and me. I love my mother very much. She had done everything to give me a best in this life. But I always wanted to have little brother or sister, play with him, read to him books, watch with him films to take care of him. I hope I'll meet very good children and become their older friend and they'll be reliable little friends. I like to teach children something new. I am very happy notice that my lessons were not in vain. I have a lot of good real friends, all of them study in institutes. We like to have a rest with them. We go to cinema and discoes. I like to read books an leisure time. My mother knows a lot of intresting things and I can to talk to her at any topic. We like to walt around our city. There are a lot of museums, palaces, parks here. I like to travel. And my friends and I had been in Finland and Italy. In Italy I lived in perfect family, met with italian children, learned their life. and theese were unforgetable days. I want to leave a good receallections in my mind and in your family. I want to see you as soon as possible. I didn't see you, but I love you already. I'll be happy to see you in the very near future.
